EARTH FUTURE ACTIONHOME ABOUT REPORTS CONTACT HELP WANTED BIPARTISAN OPPOSITION TO BLOATED PENTAGON BUDGETIn the petitions below, more than a dozen progressive and conservative groups — including MoveOn, Indivisible, Win Without War, and Freedom Works — have joined forces in calling on the House to oppose a budget bill that will give the Pentagon $733 billion. “The failed audit, the continued drumbeat of reports of Pentagon waste, inefficiencies and mismanagement, and poll after poll after poll demonstrate that it is not in the interest of Americans for Congress to infuse massive amounts of new money into the Pentagon,” they write in a letter sent to Capitol Hill. The letter builds on a joint statement from CREDO Action, Indivisible, MoveOn, and Win Without War calling on House Democrats to re-work the bill to address the Pentagon over-spending, as well as an earlier transpartisan coalition letter to Congress from 17 groups calling on Congress to hold defense spending at or below $576 billion. LETTER READ BIPARTISAN OPPOSITION LETTER HERE BILL HOUSE BILL THAT WOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING NEWS Left-Right Coalition Asks House To Oppose Massive Pentagon Budget Increase (Win Without War, 4-8-19) SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS Center for International Policy |